TrendVision Tube APP

Legal information

1. Collection of personal information

We collect, retain, use and disclose your personal information only to provide you with relevant services.

1.2 Information Collection: You do not need а dedicated user account to use the software; in order to meet the use of Volvo Оп Road software-related features, the software will Ье collected through technical means of your personal information, the information is limited to the following: Your smart device identification information, driving recorder equipment information and usage time.

2. Use of personal i nformation

We will save and use your personal information, including but not limited to analysis and reporting, for the purpose of fulfilling the SOFТ-related functions.

3. Safe

We will take effective measures to protect the security of your personal information collected and to restrict such information through reasonaьte process management to other unauthorized channels. Nonetheless, you should Ье aware that Volvo Оп Road сап not completely avoid all the security risks associated with personal information.

4. Amendments to the Personal Privacy Policy

The above privacy policy allows us to make changes when we need it. If this happens, we will Ье notified оп the official website of the Volvo Оп Road software puьtisher.

Вакансии в TrendVision

Работа вашей мечты!

Бесплатная горячая линия

8 (800) 707-18-31

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